Catching up with Bob. He left the Tennessee just in time to get caught up in the tornado warnings that were hitting the south. Learning he was heading right for them, he pulled over and waited out the storms at a Walmart just south of Macon, GA. He said that indeed, the big RV's were parked along with him, so he knew he made the right choice. There was a lot of flooding down there as well. He stayed at chez Wally World for 2 days.
Welcome to SuNnY fLoRiDa!
May 3, 2014: After 6 straight days of rain....Bob is going stir crazy and watching way too much TV.
May 11, 2014: Yesterday he went to check out the manatee in Cedar Springs. He was hoping to get back before he leaves the area to swim with the manatee and kayak the springs. He will be required to purchase a dive mask and snorkel. Sounds like a pretty cool experience! Hope he can score some pics for us!
May 13, 2014: 'Heading out on the airboat today. Yahoo giddy up cowboy.'
May 15, 2014: 'Moving on to Panama City in the Panhandle. What a beautiful ride along the coast line. I'm in Apalachicola now for dinner then on to Panama City for a few days. Voted the best beaches in the USA. Can't wait to get the scooter out and cruise the beaches. Gotta work on my tan. I'm kind of golden right now. Gotta get afew hours with the shirt off. I don't particularly care for the farmer tan. Gotta go she just brought out my fried apple pie ala mode!'
W-O-W. You go Bob! We look forward to hearing the details and hope for some pics. Don't forget your sunscreen!!!! PS....Panama City was a HUGE spring break hotspot in the 90's. My brother went there when he was in are about 2 months too late for that party! :)